Argo Brothers Inc. Apps

Microphone Rocks (BETA) 2.0
BETA VERSION (PATENT PENDING)Current version allows to shoot 30 seconds only. Soon update iscoming with an opportunity to shoot unlimited time.Bring use of smart devices into next level.Microphones Rocks allows to connect two smart devices overBluetooth or WiFi. Use one smartphone as a camera, and second as aREMOTE microphone.Shoot videos at a distance or at crowded places maintaining highquality noise free sound, BUT more IMPORTANTLY, the VIDEO and AUDIOare COMBINED AUTOMATICALLY directly on your smart phone.How it works?1. You take two smart devices. Open application on both devices,choose what language you want to use (English, Russian, Chinese,Korean or Japanese)2. Then you pick which device you want to use as Camera orMicrophone.3. After you have chosen which smart device going to be eitherCamera or Microphone, Camera device invites Microphone Device viaBluetooth or WiFi.4. Afterwards you accept invitation to connect from Camera Deviceon your Microphone Device.5. Now the two devices are connected to each other over Bluetoothor WiFi and you are ready to shoot.There are already various solutions to this problem, however youwill need an external transmitter with a microphone and a goodediting program which can add up to a few hundred dollars.We have eliminated the need to use an editing program on a computerand the purchase of an external transmitter with amicrophone.With MICROPHONE ROCKS you do not have to think about combining thevideo and audio, because the app automatically does it for you!Everything can be done using your mobile smart phone, without theneed of a computer or expensive equipment.